Supplies and In-Kind Giving

  • Before purchasing supplies, please consider that a monetary donation can go much further because the VHS may have a greater buying power as a nonprofit organization. Our most urgent need is always monetary donations, which can be made here.

If you are restricted to purchasing some supplies, please make note of specific brands that are needed to ensure your gift is as helpful as possible!

How to Ship Supplies Directly to Us:

Shipping Address:

Vanderburgh Humane Society
400 Miller Industrial Drive
Evansville, IN 47710

Wish List

*Please do not purchase dry dog or cat food for us! We feed 1 specific brand under a feeding contract, so we don't have upset tummies. We also get a much bigger discount buying in bulk as a tax-exempt nonprofit than you would get buying it at retail price. Purchase something from the above list or make a monetary donation to ensure that your kindness goes as far as possible! However, if you happen to have dry food at home that you can no longer use, we will accept it for our Pet Food Assistance Program even if it is open. We just ask that it be free of bugs and mold.

For Rabbits & Small Animals:

  • Timothy hay (shown at right)
  • Rabbit pellet food (any brand)
  • Fresh leafy greens & vegetables (drop off during business hours only!)
  • Guinea pig & rat food (any brand)

Would you or your business, class, Scout Troop, etc. like to hold a supply drive for our animals? Download a printable PDF of our wish list below!

Download Wish List

Used Items

Do you have items at home that your pet can no longer use? We do accept open bags of off-brand food and treats as long as they are pest-free. Brands that we don't use for our own animals will be circulated into our Emergency Food Assistance program for needy families. Items can be dropped off Tuesday-Saturday 9-6 at the shelter's front desk.

Gifts of In-Kind Services

Does your business offer services such as cleaning, pet grooming/training, landscaping, etc.? As a nonprofit, the VHS is always seeking ways to lower our overhead & operational costs so we can provide care for more animals. Your professional skills may be able to benefit our animals in ways you never imagined!

To discuss ways to donate your services, please email CEO Kendall Paul at [email protected] with a description of your business & services, website or social media links, and a brief description of what you’d like to donate.